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di Laura Virgili
Nata a Livorno 38 anni fa, ho frequentato l’istituto d’arte di Pisa con indirizzo vetro e ho lavorato per 3 anni a Murano.
Ho frequentato una scuola specialistica sulla lavorazione del vetro a Bolzano Glass&Modern.
Ho sempre avuto la passione delle cose fatte a mano e attualmente mi sto dedicando alla realizzazione di gioielli in stile macramè; tutte le gemme che utilizzo per i gioielli sono trovate in natura come ad esempio conchiglie, sassi di mare o di montagna… non compro nessuna pietra in negozi perché credo che l’amore che uno mette nella propria arte faccia automaticamente diventare anche un comunissimo sasso una pietra preziosa; per questo mi piace cercare personalmente, nei luoghi dove mi trovo, le gemme da usare per i miei gioielli.
Oltre al macramè realizzo borse in gomma eva, dipingo conchiglie, sassi, cd (che normalmente verrebbero buttati) e ciotoline in terracotta.
Per ora tutto questo è sempre stata una passione ma spero e sono sicura che un giorno diventerà il mio effettivo “lavoro”.
Born in Livorno 38 years ago, I attended the art institute of Pisa with specialization in glass and worked for 3 years in Murano.
I attended a glass processing specialist school in Bolzano Glass&Modern.
I’ve always had a passion for handmade things and I’m currently dedicating myself to making macrame-style jewellery; all the gems I use for jewels are found in nature such as shells, sea or mountain stones… I don’t buy any stone in shops because I believe that the love one puts into one’s art automatically makes even a very common pebble a precious stone; this is why I like to personally look for the gems to use for my jewels in the places where I am.
In addition to macrame, I make bags in EVA rubber, I paint shells, stones, CDs (which would normally be thrown away) and terracotta bowls.
For now all this has always been a passion but I hope and I’m sure that one day it will become my actual “job”.
I attended a glass processing specialist school in Bolzano Glass&Modern.
I’ve always had a passion for handmade things and I’m currently dedicating myself to making macrame-style jewellery; all the gems I use for jewels are found in nature such as shells, sea or mountain stones… I don’t buy any stone in shops because I believe that the love one puts into one’s art automatically makes even a very common pebble a precious stone; this is why I like to personally look for the gems to use for my jewels in the places where I am.
In addition to macrame, I make bags in EVA rubber, I paint shells, stones, CDs (which would normally be thrown away) and terracotta bowls.
For now all this has always been a passion but I hope and I’m sure that one day it will become my actual “job”.